

Wake up! Come on! Hurry! Catch that moment! STOP, right there! First of all, tell your self why and breathe. Is it so much important to you or to someone else? Do you believe you can make it and how much are you hard on yourself? Who cares?! You are responsible to take care of yourself, so appreciate your being and be aware that obligations are there to tie us not to go away to be lost and alone. To belong to somewhere and someone. Nothing is the must, but rather the choice and willingness (except of the choice of parents, but that is another story). That is how it should be, but some people make it hard to understand and create the reality of it according to their own interests and needs. Be the servant, but to those that are going to be grateful and able to give back to you or to others. There has to be flow and there is no point of trying to keep ties so rigid and hard to make it painful. If you an adult person, please, release yourself and be the master of your life with m